The coffee industry can't afford to overlook Hispanics

At Soldadera Coffee, we have a unique, culturally inspired product that leans heavily into our Mexican heritage. While we believe everybody can resonate with our branding and our delicious coffee, Hispanic Americans are a vibrant yet relatively untapped consumer market.

According to a report from market research firm Mintel, 71% of Hispanic Americans said they drink coffee beverages every day, and 80% said they consumed some kind of coffee drink in the past three months.

Although projected to lag in growth, coffee is still the dominate choice among Hispanics, compared to juices, energy drinks or soft drinks. Given that Hispanics also are one of the fastest growing U.S. populations, making them a target demographic could fuel growth in coffee consumption compared to other nonalcoholic beverages.

Flavor is a key factor for Hispanics, the report stated, with more than half of respondents citing flavor as the main reason driving their purchase choices.

Drink choices among Hispanics also differ among age groups, with elder Hispanics focusing on routine and enjoyment while younger generations may choose to experiment with functional benefits.

Nearly 75% of Hispanics said inflation has caused them to limit drink purchases, but price isn't the primary factor in product choice, still ranking well below flavor. As the economy continues to recover, many Hispanics said they have a positive outlook for the future.

It also is important to note that the term "Hispanic" covers a wide range of cultures. While there are many diverse groups of Hispanics in the U.S., the majority (60%) come from Mexico, not surprising considering the shared border and Mexico's large population.

Hispanic Americans are a massive but still relatively untapped market in the beverage industry as a whole, and there aren't many brands like ours with unique flavors and an unapologetically Mexican brand that can resonate with these consumers.

As we seek to grow in new markets and partner with like-minded beverage companies, we are excited for our Hispanic customers to help lead the way in the Coffee Revolution!

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