Mexican Style cold brew
Mexican style cold brew coffee is a mix of herbal tea and cold brew coffee. Develop by Mexican women soldiers in 1910.
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I'm not a coffee drinker, but I will drink Soldadera Coffee any day of the week!!
Haley Young
You guys have the best cold brew I've ever had lol no joke!
My first sip brought me in another realm of flavors than expected from cold brew
Tasha Kramarenko -Barista
Love love love Soldadera Coffee! The story behind the business is relatable and inspirational! You have my respect and my business for life!
Magdalena Sofia Rivera
yesss!!! omg it was so good I would diffently recommend it taste so good like nothing ive every tried before
Adelenne Ortiz
Everyone loved the coffee that tried it at the event. Great taste and great story!
Juan Trevino
I love the hint of cinnamon and it's the perfect cold brew of coffee!
Emily Bridson
Drinking the coffee brings me back to drinking coffee in my abuelas kitchen when I would visit her with my father in Mexico. I’m so thankful for the memory I now have when I drink the coffee. I loved it so much
Sonrisa Cortes
Quality Ingredients
All natural ingredients. Always. Enough Said.