Aug 2, 2024

The coffee industry can't afford to overlook Hispanics

At Soldadera Coffee, we have a unique, culturally inspired product that leans heavily into our Mexican heritage. While we believe everybody can resonate with our branding and our delicious coffee, Hispanic Americans are a vibrant yet relatively untapped consumer market.

May 1, 2024

The true story of Cinco de Mayo

Cinco De Mayo is often associated in the U.S. with rowdy, Mexican-themed parties and excessive consumption of tequila...

Mar 19, 2024

International Women's Month Highlight: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

The first published feminist writer in the Americas was a nun from the 17th century. This week, we continue our International Women's Month series with a look into the remarkable life of poet, philosopher and thinker Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Nov 29, 2023

From Chicas to cup: Why Soldadera is proud to partner with Chica Bean

A lot of coffee roasters talk the talk about fair trade, but Soldadera Coffee is determined to find partner companies that walk the walk.

Nov 15, 2023

Influential Women Q/A: Kavy Lenon

We at Soldadera Coffee make it our mission to uplift women entrepreneurs, and as a minority- and woman-owned coffee company, we are proud to partner with another local beverage brand, ZINI Vodka, for the Grand Rapids International Wine Beer and Food Festival this weekend at DeVos Place.

Oct 29, 2021

Dia de los Muertos: Celebrate life through memories.

  Memories -by Mario Rodriguez-Garcia Our Grandmother (right), our grandfather on the left, and a Soldadera On...

May 11, 2017

Women's Coffee Revolution

Coffee. Something that many people drink on a daily basis. Why is it that we love coffee so much? Is it the flavorful...

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