Meet your farmer: Ana Petronila

We first started working with Ana two years ago, albeit indirectly.

We had been contacted by a cooperative, Cooperativa Coatitlán, in the Atitlán region that was looking to highlight its female contributors' work and was hoping we would purchase its coffee. We embarked on that relationship as a way to contribute to more women’s lives and were impressed by the excellent quality and proactivity that the producers showed.

Starting in 2024, one young Coatitlan farmer was particularly inspiring: Ana Petronila. Having participated in the cooperative's large-scale production, she took the bold step to process part of her coffee independently, ensuring that finished product would be her coffee and her coffee alone.

Ana absolutely nailed it this year! Her washed process coffee has a bright malic acidity (think apple, not citrus). Her honey process is smooth, sweet and earthy, with gala apple and apricot notes. Her natural process is perfect for specialty coffee newcomers, with the fruity notes that are typical of natural processes more on the mild side.

Supporting Ana’s entrepreneurial spirit has been an absolute joy. Her creativity and
dedication shine in every cup. We’re over the moon to have Ana on our team of female producer superstars!

Location: Santiago Atitlán, Lake Atitlán, Sololá, Guatemala
Altitude: 1600-1700 MASL
Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Pache, Typica
Shade Coverage: ~40%
Processing: Washed Process, Natural Process, Honey Process

If you haven't already, be sure to preorder Soldera Noche Buena, El Desayuno and El Dorado so you can support these women growers and enjoy a quality cup of coffee!

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