Jamaica: a bold take on Mexican aguas frescas

All of our cold brew flavors have a story attached to them that pays homage to our Mexican culture. In this week's blog, we'll steep ourselves in the tradition of our Jamaica hibiscus tea blend.

Our Jamaica cold brew is inspired by agua de Jamaica, a refreshing fruity beverage enjoyed throughout Mexico and Latin America. We have discovered, however, that most of our fans were not aware of Jamaica's traditional roots or often confused it with Jamaica the country.

Jamaica (pronounced ha-my-ka) is Spanish for hibiscus flower, which is the basis for this herbal tea. Agua de Jamaica is one of several aguas frescas, inexpensive beverages made with fruit juices or herbal extracts. Aguas frescas are commonly found in Mexican restaurants and taquerias and are typically enjoyed around lunch time.

Agua de Jamaica is made by steeping the hibiscus flower in boiling water, straining the mixture, pressing the flowers to squeeze out the remaining juices and then adding sugar. It can be served hot or chilled.

Hibiscus tea also comes with a plethora of health benefits. Research suggests it can help lower high blood pressure. It also contains Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can protect against cell damage and inflammation.

Our Jamaica cold brew pays homage to classic aguas frescas you would find at a taqueria. Soldadera's Jamaica is a refreshing, light and fruity blend of hisbiscus tea with our signature cold brew coffee. Hot or cold, it's the perfect drink for a mid-day meal or a lazy afternoon.

Jamaica, and other great Soldadera flavors, are available at Meijer.

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